The book Ferramonti di Tarsia, by Mario Rende.

June 04, 2009
The June 4 edition of L’Osservatore Romano in­cludes a review of Mario Rende’s Ferramonti di Tarsia,a new book that chronicles an Italian fascist concentration camp where Jews were treated with relative humanity, thanks to the efforts of Paolo Salvatore, the camp’s director, and Capuchin Father Callisto Lopinot, the camp’s chaplain. In an audience of October 29, 1944, Jan Hermann, speaking on behalf of other former prisoners, thanked Pope Pius XII for his “remarkable and generous gifts” twice given through Cardinal Francesco Borgongini Duca, for his open “support [for] our rights to human dignity,” and for preventing the prisoners’ deportation to Poland in 1942.

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Father Callisto Lopinot, the camp’s chaplain

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