
The Mystery of Man

Benozzo Gozzoli, "The Triumph of St. Thomas Aquinas over Averroes, the Most Influential Muslim Philosopher of the Middle Ages, with Aristotle and Plato," The Louvre in Paris, from 1471 Human beings are a composite of mortal body and immortal soul. At the moment of death, that composite is torn asunder… and yet we remain [...]

The Mystery of Man

"The Casting Out of Eden of Adam and Eve," by Giusto De' Menabuoi, in the Baptistry of Padua, Italy Our immortal souls are joined to mortal bodies. How can this be? A thought-provoking philosophical reflection on human nature by the great Belgian philosopher Dr. Alice von Hildebrand At age eleven, I was privileged to [...]

St. Edmund of Abingdon (November 16)

“There are four planes or fields in which God is reflected. Two within, reason and revelation, or the light of nature in the intelligence, and the illumination of the Holy Spirit elevating the intelligence by a supernatural light. Two also without, creation and the Church, or in other words, the world of nature, which is [...]
