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Letter #26, 2024, Thurs, Jul 25: My Position on Viganò

    "Nothing so clearly distinguishes a spiritual man as his treatment of an erring brother." -- St. Augustine, Letter 98 to Boniface Regarding the Elements of Communion (link).     Letter #26, 2024, Thursday, July 25: My Position on Viganò     As I wrote before, I have received many letters and emails regarding the excommunication from the Roman Catholic [...]

Letter #24, 2024, Wednesday, July 17: Viganò

    This is a homily that Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 83, delivered 10 days ago, on July 7, the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ.     The archbishop was excommunicated by a Vatican decree on July 4, 2024, four days earlier.     This homily thus contains some of his first reflections on why [...]

Letter #23, 2024, Monday, July 8: Viganò Judged

    Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 83, has been judged by the Vatican guilty of the ecclesiastical crime of schism, incurring the penalty of latae sententiae excommunication from the Catholic Church.     Here below is the full text of the brief communiqué published on Friday, July 5, by the Vatican Press Office (link).     Note: The decision was taken [...]

Letter #22, 2024, Friday, June 28: Viganò Statement

    "On the day on which I was supposed to present myself to defend myself before the Dicastery for the Doctrine of Faith, I have decided to make public this declaration of mine, to which I add a denunciation of my accusers, their “council,” and their “pope.” I ask the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, who [...]

Letter #21, 2024, Thursday, June 20: Viganò

    "I regard the accusations against me as an honor." —Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, 83, in a statement issued today, June 20, 2024, regarding notification he has received, via email, that he is accused of schism by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, the highest doctrinal office of the Church     "The Dicastery for the [...]

Letter #132, 2023, Monday, October 2: Viganò

    "In this speech I will not try to give answers, but to pose a question that can no longer be postponed..." —Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, in an address scheduled to be delivered by video link to a Catholic conference meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania yesterday, October 1. However, on his website, Archbishop Viganò writes (link): "This [...]

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