October 2003 cover art for Inside the Vatican magazine

Year 11, Number 08


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Lead Story

by Vladimiro Redzioch
9Light of the Poor
The spiritual life of Mother Teresa.

by Inside the Vatican staff
22Almost Home
The September trip to Slovakia.
by Andrea Kirk26Slippery Slope
“Same sex unions” to be “marriages”?
by Mirko Testa28Report from Base
A talk with Monsignor Fortino.
by Cecilia Bromley-Smith30Modern Slavery
How Rome fights sexual trafficking.
by Thomas Szyszkiewicz32A Tale of Two Meetings
Who wants to lead the Church?
by Frank Brown35Georgia on my Mind…
…or how a deal went sour.

Cardinals Watch
by Delia Gallagher
36The 30 and the 1:
John Paul names 31 new cardinals

by George P. Morse
44The Mysteries of the Mass Revealed
A talk with a man on a mission for God.

Inside the World
by Cecilia Bromley-Smith
52A Rock from “Down Under”
Interview with George Pell.

by Cecilia Bromley-Smith
56The Meeting Place
Where young people meet in Rome.

Vatican Watch
by Charmaine Graves
58August and September in Rome
A hot summer and autumn surprises.

by Friar Tuck
62Dining with Angels…
And a special salad for Cecilia.


September 2003


November 2003