
While Paul is undoubtedly its greatest genius, he is not “the second founder of Christianity”, as claimed by Wilhelm Wrede (1858-1906).

An unequivocal sign of the importance of Paul’s message is the number of monographs on his life and works published every year throughout the world.   This great Apostle, however, remains little known among the people.

While attentive to the demands of scientific research, this present volume is intended a popular work to assist those who want to have at least an outline of the life and thought of this great Christian writer, but are unable to undertake formal systematic study for various reasons.

This book condenses all the biographical details available to us from Paul’s letters and from the Acts of the Apostles, written by Luke, Paul’s first biographer.

Vatican Press (2002)

Francesco Gioia

Black and White/Full Colored Photos. Paperback

47 pages. 8 1/4″ x 4 1/8″ x 3/16″