We get requests like these everyday.

Dear Friends:

I’ve just received your latest issue, and even a cursory perusal reveals your usual incisive and relevant articles and stellar photography. I also noticed, however, that it was marked “last issue” of my subscription. If possible, may I request another year’s extension?

In this prison—deep in rural Georgia—there is no Catholic ministry, ergo, no sacraments; Inside the Vatican is therefore a vital part of my communion with the Church—second, of course, to prayer, in which I always include you and your staff.

I appreciate your kindness.

With love in Christ,

Richard J. T. Clark, T.O.M.

Help us, help them.

No request has ever been turned down! Many prisoners write to us of the difficulty in finding Catholic news, enriching discussion of their Faith, and above all, Catholic spiritual support, behind bars. And they have told us, time and again, that it was encountering an old, dog-eared copy of Inside the Vatican that sparked or nourished a renewed interest in their Faith.

Many prisoners—as well as religious—have requested, but are unable to afford, subscriptions. Please donate to the ITV Scholarship Fund and provide a full year of Inside the Vatican magazine for only $39.95/year.

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