The Story of Mary
A blessed Advent to all, and best wishes to all family members, that this season will be filled with hope and joy, with faith and love, as we move toward Christmas.
And as our thoughts turn toward Christ, our thoughts also turn toward Mary, His mother.
From the fall of Adam and Eve, when God first promised that He would send a Savior (“I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel” Genesis 3:15), Israel waited.
The prophets in their turn foretold that, indeed, a Messiah would come, a king who would “shepherd My people Israel.”
It would be a second beginning for mankind…
But God had in store something else as well, something unexpected: the “New Adam,” Jesus, arrived, accompanied by a “New Eve” — not this time a wife, but a virgin and also a mother, who, like Eve, would be a spiritual “Mother to all the Living”…
In due time, she would be revealed through the ages in her many aspects: she is the powerful Woman “terrible as an army set in battle array” and the tender Mother who comforts the afflicted and the weary; she is the Seat of all wisdom and learning, and she is the humble “Handmaid of the Lord.”
And Christianity would honor her as no other human being has been honored before or since.
And so we, too, honor her…
Behold Your Mother
It may be asked, “Is Mary still relevant in the 21st century?”
Our answer: She is more relevant today, more absolutely indispensable today to Christians — and all humanity — than ever before.
In Mary, we find many answers to our confusion, our malaise, our doubt, our sinfulness, our estrangement, from God and from ourselves… if we would but look to her!
And therefore…
Inside the Vatican presents a stunning new, 100-page special edition, MARY: Behold Your Mother, just now at the press, and available for preorder NOW.
This coffee-table quality edition of Inside the Vatican nourishes the heart with both timeless selections from some of Catholicism’s most profound spiritual writers, and original reflections from today’s faithful Catholic thinkers.
And nourishing the eye are scores of beautiful images — artwork from the ages and beautiful photography — illuminating the story of Mary, Mother of God and our Mother.
You can now pre-order copies of this special “Mary” edition, hopefully in time for Christmas (depending on the postal service!), as a lovely, and spiritually enriching, gift for family and friends.
If you would prefer to pre-order MARY: Behold Your Mother by phone, you can do so by calling Inside the Vatican’s subscription office at 1-800-789-9494 or +1-270-325-5499. You can also send an email to [email protected] with any questions or if you need any other assistance.
Subscribers to Inside the Vatican magazine will receive MARY: Behold Your Mother as part of your subscription. Pre-order additional copies as gifts for friends and loved ones at a special 33% discount!
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