November/December 2023

November/December 2023


In the November-December issue of Inside the Vatican: our Lead story profiles the Latin Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, and his offer of himself as hostage in place of innocent civilians in Gaza; we cover extensively the Synod on Synodality which ended October 28, and its implications for the Church; the modern Popes give us moving spiritual reflections on Christmas, accompanied by art of the Nativity; and Anthony Esolen offers a Christmas meditation on “Matthew’s Astonishing Account of Christ’s Birth.”

You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – especially as we celebrate our 30th year of independent publication in print, because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

To purchase the digital edition of the November/October 2023 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.


Inside The Vatican (ISSN 1068-8579) is a Catholic news magazine, published bimonthly, 6 issues a year, with occasional special supplements.

A well-informed, comprehensive bi-monthly Catholic news magazine covering events and news inside the Vatican, at the heart of the Roman Catholic Church and around the universal Church. We began in 1993 as an independent publication, editorially and financially of the Vatican. Since our beginnings, we have had subscribers in more than 150 countries and we are still in print!

Additional information

Weight.6 lbs
Dimensions9 × 12 × .25 in