In the September-October 2024 issue of Inside the Vatican, we offer some on-the-ground perspective on the war in Gaza as it now bleeds into Lebanon, and the Church’s struggle for peace amid the suffering; we present an entire “Dossier” on “Archbishop Viganò: Loyal Son of the Church or Schismatic?”; we debut our new section offering words of wisdom and grace by the Church Fathers; and Anthony Esolen pleads with us not to put our trust in politics this election season.
Pope Francis calls for immediate ceasefire as war in Gaza, and now Lebanon, escalates by Christopher Hart-Moynihan
US/Vice-Presidential candidate J.D. Vance is a Catholic of a different stripe by Darrick Taylor, Ph.D.
HUNGARY/“Exiled” Russian Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion suspended by Peter Anderson
US/How Cardinal O’Malley’s replacement in Boston was picked by ITV staff
VATICAN/Pontifical Academy: Rethinking traditional ban on withholding food and water by ITV staff/Vatican News
VATICAN/Nuns must “hybridize” TLM; Cardinal Müller and “rehashed allegations”; New questions in Vatican cardinal’s past diocese by ITV staff/AC Wimmer (CNA)
VATICAN/ Traditional Mass rumors spark a movement by ITV staff
Is he a loyal son of the Church or a schismatic? by ITV staff
“I have been summoned to the Palace of the Holy Office” by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
The Decree of Excommunication by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
In Sanguine Tuo: A homily for the Feast of the Most Precious Blood of Jesus by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò
Reactions to Archbishop Vigano’s Excommunication by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
Church Fathers/“What does Christ desire, but freely to give you life?” by St. Clement of Alexandria (c. 200 A.D.)
Scripture/Are we putting our trust in politics? by Anthony Esolen
Spirituality Behind Bars/The Catholic Bard: Craftsman and Catechist by Marcellus Roberts
Icon/The Creed: The Trinity and the Prophets by Robert Wiesner
East-West Watch/Bulgarian Orthodox elect pro-Moscow Patriarch by Peter Anderson
News from the East/ Ukrainian treatment of war prisoners condemned; India solves liturgy dispute; Pope receives Russian Orthodox metropolitan; Byzantines at Eucharistic Congress by Matthew Trojacek
Tradition and Beauty/ Great Music Befits the Church of Christ by Aurelio Porfiri
Art/ Jewish Rome by Lucy Gordan
Education/The College of St. Joseph the Worker by Dr. Jacob Imam
Lord of the World/“Rome is gone. Now we must build something better” by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson
Vatican Watch/A day-by-day chronicle of Vatican events: June-July, 2024 by Matthew Trojacek
People/ Jerome LeJeune; Carlo Acutis; Anglicans seeking “full communion”; Lourdes bishop by Matthew Trojacek
Food for Thought/ The Artichoke: Myth, botany and history by ITV staff
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