New series of catechesis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit

Pope Francis' General Audience on a new series of catechesis on the gifts of the Holy Spirit - St. Peter's Square - Vatican City, April 09, 2014 Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! We begin today a series of catecheses on the gifts of the Holy Spirit. You know that the Holy Spirit constitutes the soul, [...]

"Human trafficking is a crime against humanity"

Pope Francis has condemned human trafficking, calling it a crime against humanity, a scourge and an open wound in contemporary society. His strong words came in an address to participants at a Conference on Combating Human Trafficking that took place in the Vatican from April 9-10th. Just before his address to the participants, the Pope held [...]

"Do I have an open heart or a closed one?"

Pope Francis Angelus - St. Peter's Square - Vatican City, March 30, 2014 Dear brothers and sisters, hello! Today’s Gospel presents us with the episode of the man born blind to whom Jesus gives sight. The long narrative opens with a blind man who begins to see and closes – this is curious – with those [...]

"There is Jesus who speaks to us, in the Gospel!"

Pope Francis Angelus - St. Peter's Square - Vatican City, March 16, 2014  Dear brothers and sisters, hello! Today the Gospel presents the event of the Transfiguration. It is the second stage on the Lenten journey. The first was the temptation in the desert, last Sunday; the second is the Transfiguration. Jesus “takes Peter, James and [...]

"We must detach ourselves from idols… and build our life on what is essential"

Pope Francis' Angelus - St. Peters' Square - Vatican City, March 09, 2014 Dear brothers and sisters, hello! The Gospel of the first Sunday of Lent presents us every year with an episode about the temptations of Jesus, when the Holy Spirit descended upon him and, after the baptism in the Jordan, drove him to confront [...]

Pope's Ash Wednesday Homily

Pope’s homily from the celebration of the Eucharist today in the Basilica of Saint Sabina, with the rite of blessing and imposition of ashes. Rome, March 05, 2014 "Why do we have to return to God? Because there are things that are not well in us, in society, in the Church and we are in need [...]

Pope Francis' Corriere della Sera Interview

English translation of Pope Francis’ interview with Ferruccio de Bortoli that appeared March 5, 2014 in Corriere della Sera. "In an Interview with Corriere della Sera, Bergoglio Talks About His Revolutionary First Year at the Head of the Church"   “The truth is that I do not feel nostalgia for Argentina”   One year has gone by [...]

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