Black Madonna

Pope Francis marks 1050th anniversary of 'Baptism of Poland'

Pope Francis on Thursday morning celebrated Mass at the Jasna Gora Monastery in Czestochowa, Poland, to mark the 1050th anniversary of the ‘Baptism of Poland.’ A sea of people stretching 7 kilometres lined the route from Czestochowa all the way to the hilltop monastery of Jasna Góra, Poland’s national shrine. Young and old had been waiting [...]

Tyndaris: “The City of Mary”

During the first week of September 2011, the German National Tourist Office in New York organized a customized trip for me to Munich and Bavaria, in southern Germany, “To Follow in the Footsteps of Benedict XVI,” published as my first “Of Shrines and Sacred Places” in ITV’s October 2011 issue. Among other “Ratzinger” venues, I visited [...]