Carlo Maria Viganò

Letter #18, Thursday, July 30, 2020: Archbishop Viganò

The McCarrick Case     "It's so much deeper than anyone knows." —Michael Voris, speaking about the McCarrick case in a Church Militant article published on July 20, 2020 (link). Voris contends that "investigators Church Militant has communicated with" have "revealed to us that McCarrick had offshore accounts they believe were funded by the Kremlin to the tune [...]

Letter #15, Tuesday, July 28, 2020: Dossier Vatican II Essay #3: Dr. John C. Cavadini

    This essay is the third in an Inside the Vatican Dossier on the current debate over the Second Vatican II (1962-1965) touched off in June by a long essay published by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (link).     Essay #1, by Prof. Anthony Esolen, may be found here.     Essay #2, by Father Thomas Weinandy, OFM Capuchin, may be [...]

Letter #14, July 27, 2020: Dossier Vatican II

Essay #2: Fr. Thomas Weinandy, O.F.M. Capuchin     This essay is the second in an Inside the Vatican Dossier on the current debate over the Second Vatican II (1962-1965) touched off in early June by a long essay published by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò (link).     This essay and others in the Dossier will be published in the [...]

Letter #46, 2016: Sarah’s Remarkable Talk

May 26, 2016, Thursday -- Cardinal Sarah's Remarkable Talk Last Week in Washington Cardinal Sarah Issues a Powerful Warning... "The battle to preserve the roots of mankind is perhaps the greatest challenge our world has faced since its origins." —Cardinal Robert Sarah, Prefect of the Holy See's Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the [...]

Letter #26, 2016: The Nuncio's Talk

April 9, 2016, Saturday -- The Nuncio's Talk The Witness of the Christian "Each one of us has a responsibility before God to bring a message of truth into this world, even if it means spending our lives for that very purpose — sometimes silently, but very often today publicly." —Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, Honoree Address [...]

Letter #19, 2016: The Nuncio

March 22, 2016, Tuesday -- The Nuncio A Man of the Church About half a decade ago, at an event in Rome, I ran into an American woman I hadn't seen for more than 20 years, since the time we were both students working on dissertations in the manuscript room of the Vatican Library. To my [...]

Letter #53, 2015: Vatileaks, Part 2

November 2, 2015, Monday, Feast of All Souls — Vatileaks, Part 2 "Radix omnium malorum cupiditas est" ("The love of money is the root of all evils"). —St. Paul, First Letter to Timothy, 6:10; a more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money," [...]