Giuseppe Rusconi

Letter #64, 2016: Vatican Pravda?

October 18, 2016, Tuesday - Vatican Pravda? "With an article worthy of Pravda, the Vatican Insider website today presents its readers the equation 'traditionalist Catholic' = 'enemy of Bergoglio' = 'lover of Putin.'" —Francesco Colafemmina, an Italian Catholic philologist with a love for sacred art and architecture (link). In a new article entitled "Vatikan Pravda," Colafemmina [...]

Two Years to Reorganize Vatican Communications

"We can say that he is a great storyteller. He knows well that when people are thristy they don't want H2O but water." (CNS photo/L'Osservatore Romano via EPA) Monsignor Viganò, from January 22, 2013 to December 21, 2015, you were the director of the “Pope’s Television Network,” the CTV (“Centro Televisivo Vaticano”). And [...]

“I felt a burning inside me, like a sacred fire…”

A concert offered by the Courtial Foundation at the Church of St. Ignatius in Rome   Hans Albert Courtial, president of the International Foundation of Sacred Music and Art. He came from Germany to Rome, and never left... We are looking down upon the statues that encircle St. Peter’s col­onnade. To our left we [...]