
God Is Greater Than Humans’ ‘Evil,’ ‘Dirty’ Games

Also Says ‘Mercy Heals, Can Transform History,’ and ‘Prophet Isaiah Wasn’t a Communist’ Mercy can change history and heal wounds, so open your heart to it. And if you are in a position of power and have abused it, remember your social responsibility and start anew. During his weekly General Audience in St. Peter’s Square, the [...]

Brief History of Argentina Since the 1930s

When in 1978 Cardinal Karol Wojtyła, archbishop of Krakow, was elected as the Bishop of Rome, many Catholics around the world, even Italians, did not even know where Poland was. Thanks to Pope John Paul II, the world began to be interested in his country, because it was impossible to understand the personality of the then-new [...]

Letter #51, 2010 — Rumor, Consistory

To Be Or Not To Be? Will there be a consistory in November to name new cardinals, or will the consistory be postponed until springtime? Everyone has an opinion, but no one seems to know... By Robert Moynihan "The Pope wanted the consistory already in the spring of this year, and he will have it now; [...]