human trafficking

Pope to Diplomatic Corps: Uphold human rights, defend family

Pope Francis addresses members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See, calling for the defence of life and support for families, and migrants. Speaking to members of the Diplomatic Corps on Monday, Pope Francis devoted this New Year's address to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights which was adopted 70 years ago. The Pope told [...]

"Human trafficking is a crime against humanity"

Pope Francis has condemned human trafficking, calling it a crime against humanity, a scourge and an open wound in contemporary society. His strong words came in an address to participants at a Conference on Combating Human Trafficking that took place in the Vatican from April 9-10th. Just before his address to the participants, the Pope held [...]

Vatican Watch – June/July 2013

April Sunday 7 FIRST MASS IN THE BASILICA OF ST. JOHN LATERAN “God always waits for us, even when we have left him behind! He is never far from us, and if we return to him, he is ready to embrace us,” the pontiff said in his homily today. The Mass was the occasion for Pope [...]