
Pope meets Orthodox delegation from Ecumenical Patriarchate

Pope Francis met on Tuesday with members of an Orthodox delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate who are here in Rome to celebrate the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. In his greeting, the Pope noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the first exchange of visits between a Roman pontiff and an Ecumenical Patriarch. [...]

Letter #23, 2016: Croatia: A Prime Minister's Visit

April 7, 2016, Thursday -- The Problem, and the Opportunity, of the Stepinac Case Croatian Prime Minister Meets Pope Francis Croatia's new Prime Minister, Tihomir Oreskovic (photo) is in Rome today to meet with Pope Francis. The meeting took place this morning. (link) Reports prior to the meeting said that among the subjects of his talks [...]

Letter #21, 2015: A Special Invitation

A Personal Invitation from Dr. Robert Moynihan: Russia's president, Vladimir Putin, has asked to be received in audience by Pope Francis in two days, on Wednesday, June 10, and Pope Francis has agreed to the meeting. What is the purpose of this unexpected encounter? No information has yet been made public, but we know that it [...]