Jesus of Nazareth

Letter #10, 2015: Benedict Turns 88

April 16, 2015, Thursday — Benedict Turns 88 "Preparing for one's death means preparing to meet God." —Archbishop Georg Gaenswein, speaking with an Italian television station this week, on how an elderly Emeritus Pope Benedict is spending his time preparing for death. The Emeritus Pope turned 88 today Today, April 16, Emeritus Pope Benedict turned 88. [...]

Ratzinger’s Students Meet Pope Emeritus Benedict for Special Mass

Father Stephan Otto Horn. Could you briefly describe the last Schülerkreis meeting? Father Stephan Otto Horn: The Holy Father Emeritus invited members of the Schülerkreis (former students) together with those of the New Schülerkreis (scholars of Benedict’s thought) to celebrate Holy Mass privately with him at the Vatican. We were very happy that he [...]