modern idolatry

“Christians turn our gaze to Christ crucified”

Pope at Audience: Christians turn our gaze to Christ crucified At his General Audience, Pope Francis continues his catechesis on the Ten Commandments, this week once again reflecting on the topic of idolatry. Pope Francis continued his meditation on the Ten Commandments at Wednesday’s General Audience, focusing on the theme of idolatry. He took his cue [...]

Love Incompatible with Idolatry

Pope at General Audience: 'Love incompatible with idolatry’ In his continued catechesis on the Ten Commandments at the Wednesday General Audience, Pope Francis warns against the temptation to idolatry present in modern society, saying the true God teaches us to love. "Dear brothers and sisters: As we resume our catechesis on the Ten Commandments, we now [...]

General Wednesday Audience August 1st

Dear Brothers and Sisters Good morning! We have heard the first commandment of the Decalogue: “You shall have no other Gods before me” (Ex 20:3). It is good to pause on the theme of idolatry which is significant and timely. The commandment bans us from setting up idols or images of any kind of reality. Indeed, [...]