Personal Relationship with God

Taking upon ourselves the name of God

Pope at general audience: taking upon ourselves the name of God At his General Audience of August 22, Pope Francis reflected on the Second Commandment – “You shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain.” Dear brothers and sisters: In our continuing catechesis on the Ten Commandments, we now turn to the [...]

‘Faith in Jesus allows us to Carry out God’s works’

Pope Francis invited believers to abandon themselves with joy to God's plan for their lives and seek spiritual nourishment in order to go forward in their journey of faith. His words came during the Angelus in St. Peter's Square. Pope Francis invited the faithful to cultivate their relationship with God, because faith in Jesus, he said allows [...]

"Faith is victory”

The power of prayer by one with faith was at the heart of Pope Francis’ homily on Thursday morning, 14 January, during Mass at Santa Marta. The Pontiff compared the First Reading to the Gospel passage for the day’s liturgy, pointing out that these tests speak “of a victory and a defeat”. The passage taken from [...]