Reflections on the Family

On "The rhythm of family life: celebration, work and prayer"

Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! Today we begin a short course of reflection on three dimensions that beat the time, so to speak, of the rhythm of family life: celebration, work and prayer. We begin with celebration. Today we will speak of celebration. And we say immediately that a celebration is an invention of God. [...]

Letter #23, 2015: Wounds in the Family

June 24, 2015, Wednesday — Pope Francis on the Wounds in Families “But do we still know what a wound to the soul is? Do we feel the weight of the mountain that crushes the soul of a child, in families in which the members treat each other badly?” —Pope Francis, today in St. Peter's Square [...]

Reflections on the Family: Death: "Death does not have the last word"

Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! In the course of catecheses on the family, today we take direct inspiration from the episode narrated by the Evangelist Luke, which we have just heard (cf. Luke 7:11-15). It is a very moving scene, which shows us Jesus’ compassion for one who suffers -- in this case a widow [...]

Reflections on the Family: Engagement: "Love itself demands this preparation"

Dear Brothers and Sisters: In our catechesis on marriage and the family, today we reflect on the importance of engagement as a preparation for marriage. The word “engagement” itself speaks of entrustment and commitment. Engagement is a time when couples come to know one another better in planning for the beautiful yet demanding enterprise of marriage. [...]

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