St. Stephen

Letter #16, 2017: Hard Hearts

May 2, 2017, Tuesday “The Lord softens those with hard hearts, those who condemn all who are outside the law.” —Pope Francis this morning in his homily in the chapel of the Domus Santa Marta, his residence in Rome (Vatican Radio, May 2, 2017) — “The Lord softens those with hard hearts, those who condemn all [...]

Angelus on the Feast of Stephen

Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! Today, we celebrate the Feast of St. Stephen. The memory of the first martyr follows immediately after the Solemnity of Christmas. Yesterday, we contemplated the merciful love of God Who became flesh for us; Today, we see the coherent response of the disciple of Jesus, that gives life. Yesterday, the [...]

“Today the Church is the Church of martyrs”

“Today the Church is the Church of martyrs”. And among these martyrs are “our brothers whose throats were cut on the beach of Libya; that young man burned alive by companions for being a Christian; those immigrants on the high seas thrown overboard for being Christians; those Ethiopians assassinated for being Christians”. In the chapel of [...]