Theodore McCarrick

Letter #37, Friday, November 13, 2020: Sankt Gallen…

    "Whilst in Rome before the 2005 papal conclave, the cardinals who were members of the Saint Gallen Group sent their host Ivo Fürer a card saying: 'We are here together in the spirit of Saint Gallen,' and before the conclave they came together for a talk over dinner. According to an anonymous cardinal's excerpts from whose diary were published [...]

Letter #35, Tuesday, November 10, 2020: Four “scapegoats”?

The McCarrick Report Is Published: Four "Scapegoats"?     Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction.     And harder to script.     What we confront today is a long-awaited “McCarrick Report” which was expected to bring clarity and so healing to the scandal of the former American cardinal, Theodore McCarrick, who betrayed the trust the Church placed in him by [...]

Letter #18, Thursday, July 30, 2020: Archbishop Viganò

The McCarrick Case     "It's so much deeper than anyone knows." —Michael Voris, speaking about the McCarrick case in a Church Militant article published on July 20, 2020 (link). Voris contends that "investigators Church Militant has communicated with" have "revealed to us that McCarrick had offshore accounts they believe were funded by the Kremlin to the tune [...]

Letter #17, Wednesday, July 29, 2020: China

    This Letter is devoted to the question of the Catholic Church in China.     The question is important because the historic "secret agreement" between the Holy See and China to regulate the relations of the Church to the Chinese Communist government — especially regarding the selection of bishops for the Church — signed on September 22, [...]