UN children's agency publishes report on internet and children

The United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) has published a report entitled “The State of the World’s Children, 2017. Children in a Digital World.” The report examines the availability and impact of the Internet on children across the world. According to the report 79% of children have access to the internet, compared to 48% of the [...]

Letter #61, 2016: Appeal from Assisi

September 20, 2016, Tuesday -- Appeal for Peace from Assisi "This is the spirit that animates us: to bring about encounters through dialogue, and to oppose every form of violence and abuse of religion which seeks to justify war and terrorism." —Declaration of Assisi, released today in Assisi, Italy, as a common call from representatives of [...]

Letter # 38, 2014: Pope Francis on Food and Hunger

November 20, 2014, Thursday — Pope Francis addresses the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization FAO) "These people are just asking for dignity. They beg us for dignity, not for charity." —Pope Francis, speaking today to officials at FAO, the UN Food and Agriculture headquarters in Rome (Link: https://www.romereports.com/pg159177-pope-to-fao-staff-we-may-be-facing-a-war-for-water-en) Two points about the Pope's remarks today in [...]