United Nations

Pope Francis in flight press conference: full text

Pope Francis on Saturday en route to Rome following his visit to Myanmar Bangladesh held his traditional in flight press conference. Among the topics of discussion were the Rohingya people, nuclear arms, globalization and future travel plans. Greg Burke: Thank you, Holy Father. First of all, thanks. You have chosen two interesting countries to visit. Two [...]

World without weapons is possible

Pope Francis received the participants in a major international symposium on Friday. Sponsored by the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, the 2-day conference on "Prospects for a World Free of Nuclear Weapons and for Integral Disarmament" brings together experts, activists, politicians, pastors and thought leaders to explore the possibilities for achieving disarmament in the 21st [...]

Gospel joy opens hearts

Ahead of the Sunday Angelus prayer with pilgrims and tourists in St. Peter’s Square, Pope Francis shared a reflection on two of the three parables from the 13th chapter of the Holy Gospel according to St. Matthew, which were read during Mass on Sunday. Focusing exclusively on the parables of the hidden treasure and the pearl of great price, the Holy Father said, “This day, we are [...]

Letter #61, 2016: Appeal from Assisi

September 20, 2016, Tuesday -- Appeal for Peace from Assisi "This is the spirit that animates us: to bring about encounters through dialogue, and to oppose every form of violence and abuse of religion which seeks to justify war and terrorism." —Declaration of Assisi, released today in Assisi, Italy, as a common call from representatives of [...]