Urbi et Orbi Section

Urbi et Orbi Section: News from the East

The small structure inside the Church of the Holy Sephulcher in Jerusalem which encloses the tomb of Jesus Endangered Jesus Tomb Unites Rival Catholic, Orthodox Churches in $3.4 Million Restoration Project Three Christian traditions recently put aside their long-standing theological differences and agreed to partner to save the endangered holy place where Jesus was [...]

Urbi et Orbi Section: The Liturgical Year

Icon of the Resurrection Why is the Great Pascha on a Different Date than Easter? This year the Orthodox Church celebrated the Great Pascha, their Easter, on May 1, several weeks after the rest of the Christian world celebrated Easter. This feast is preceded by a Holy Week similar to the Catholic one, and [...]

Urbi et Orbi Section: Spirituality, The Orthodox Saints Speak

Icon of Mary Reflecting on Mary’s Blessedness through the Annunciation Thou knowest, O Mary, things kept hid from the patriarchs and prophets. Thou hast learned, O virgin, things which were kept concealed till now from the angels. Thou hast heard, O purest one, things of which even the choir of inspired men was never [...]

Urbi et Orbi Section: The Message of the Icon

Icon of the head of St. John the Baptist The Third Finding of the Head of John the Baptist Along with the lance of Longinus, the head of John the Baptist has a history worthy of an Indiana Jones saga. The Eastern Churches also celebrate the first and second findings in separate feasts. The [...]

News from the East

St. Seraphim Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) Has Been Canonized On February 3, at the 5th plenary session of the Holy Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, held at Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, the proposal to canonize Archbishop Seraphim (Sobolev) was approved. The members of the Council, which included Patriarch Kirill of [...]

Spirituality: The Orthodox Saints Speak

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill, the celebration of Easter The Resurrection of Christ “Having beheld the Resurrection of Christ, let us worship the holy Lord Jesus, the only sinless one. We venerate Thy cross, O Christ, and Thy holy Resurrection we praise and glorify. For Thou art our God, and we know none other than [...]

Spirituality: The Orthodox Saints Speak

Rivalry over material possessions has made us forget. . . So we no longer pursue plainness and simplicity of life. We no longer value stillness, which helps to free us from past defilement, but prefer a whole host of things which distract us uselessly from our true goal. Rivalry over material possessions has made us forget [...]

The Message of the Icon

The icon of "Christ the Judge" Christ the Judge This month we highlight a famous and brilliantly executed icon dating from the 6th or 7th century. The icon was preserved during the time of the iconoclastic heresy simply due to the remote location of Saint Catherine’s Monastery at the base of Mount Sinai. Some [...]

News from the East

Chambesy, Switzerland. A group of delegates at the Fourth Pan-Orthodox Pre-Council Conference Orthodox Clear Way to Historic Pan-Orthodox Council After a five-day conference, called a “synaxis,” held during January in Chambesy, Switzerland, representatives of all 14 of the autocephalous (self-governing) Churches of the Orthodox Christian communion agreed to go forward with the “Great Pan-Orthodox [...]

The Liturgical Year: The Byzantine Great Lent

The Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts O Lord and Master of my life, drive from me the spirit of indifference, despair, lust for power and idle chatter. Instead, bestow on me, Your servant, the spirit of integrity, humility, patience and love. Yes, O Lord and King, let me see my own sins and not [...]