Year 21, Number 3
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Editorial by Robert Moynihan | 4 | The Eyes of the World on The Vatican | |||||
Farewell, Benedict by Robert Moynihan | 10 | The Last Month A Day-by-Day Chronicle from February 11 to February 28 | |||||
Preparing the Conclave by Inside the Vatican staff with graphics by Giuseppe Sabatelli | 29 | ||||||
Preparing the Conclave by Wlodzimierz Redzioch | 38 | Special What Church Will the New Pope Govern? The Annuario Pontificio | |||||
Preparing the Conclave by Ciro Fusco | 40 | Book The Vatican at Hand | |||||
Preparing the Conclave by Inside the Vatican Staff | 42 | Vatican Route The Sistine Chapel | |||||
Preparing the Conclave by Wlodzimierz Redzioch | 43 | Vatican Route St. Martha’s House | |||||
Preparing the Conclave by Wlodzimierz Redzioch | 44 | Vatican Route The Mater Ecclesiae Monastery | |||||
Benedict’s Courage by Marinella Bandini | 46 | Political Speeches Faith and Reason: Christianity Is Reasonable | |||||
Benedict’s Courage by Angela Ambrogetti | 47 | Apostolic Trips On the Plane with Benedict XVI | |||||
Benedict’s Courage by Angela Ambrogetti | 48 | Pedophilia The Dark Evil Which Ratzinger Fought | |||||
Benedict’s Courage by Alberto Carosa | 49 | Liturgy and Ecumenism The Most Important Legacy of the Pontificate | |||||
Towards the Conclave by Micaela Biferali | 56 | How is a New Pope Chosen? A Briefing with Dr. Ambrogio Piazzoni | |||||
Towards the Conclave by Micaela Biferali | 58 | “All Cardinals Must Vote” A Briefing with Msgr. Juan Ignacio Arrieta | |||||
Towards the Conclave by Robert Moynihan | 59 | Motu Proprio New Rules | |||||
Interview by Marinella Bandini | 64 | An Interview with Cardinal Mauro Piacenza | |||||
Interview by Anna Artymiak | 65 | An Interview with Cardinal Kurt Koch | |||||
Interview by Gerard O’Connell | 66 | An Interview with Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor | |||||
Interview by Gerard O’Connell | 68 | An Interview with Cardinal Telesphore Toppo | |||||
Interview by Anna Artymiak | 69 | An Interview with Father Stephan Horn | |||||
Remembering Benedict by Micaela Biferali | 70 | Benedict XVI’s Pontificate Year By Year | |||||
Columns by Lucy Gordon | 86 | Of Books, Art and People The Edict of Milan’s 1700th Anniversary | |||||
Columns by Micaela Biferali | 88 | People Benedict XVI and the Sacraments | |||||
Columns by Micaela Biferali | 92 | Vatican Watch January and February: A Day-by-Day Chronicle of Vatican Events | |||||
Columns by Paul Haffner | 96 | Meditation Easter Sunday (March 31) | |||||
Columns by Friar Tuck | 98 | The Sacred and Profane A Tyrolean Restaurant and an Accommodation with a Heart | |||||