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So far Deborah has created 2112 blog entries.

Pope at Audience: ‘Old age is where wisdom is woven’

(CNS photo/Guglielmo Mangiapane, Reuters) August 24, 2022 At the weekly General Audience, Pope Francis concludes his catechesis on the value of old age, and reflects on how the Blessed Virgin Mary reveals to us God’s promise of new life in death. Pope Francis concluded his General Audience catechesis series on the value of [...]

Pope at Angelus: Enter the ‘narrow door’ by serving God and others

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) August 21, 2022 Reflecting on the Sunday Gospel reading before leading the Angelus, Pope Francis encourages us to "strive to enter through the narrow door," meaning that to enter into God’s life and salvation, we need to pass through Him, to welcome Him and His Word. Speaking to pilgrims gathered [...]

Pope at Audience: Old age ‘fruitful time to bear witness to Christ’

(CNS photo/Yara Nardi, Reuters) August 10, 2022 Pope Francis concludes his catechesis on the value and meaning of old age at the weekly General Audience, and recalls that serene faith and trust in Christ’s promise at that time of life can offer fruitful witness to the Gospel. At the Wednesday General Audience, held [...]

Pope at Audience: Canada, a penitential visit ‘like no other’

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) August 3, 2022 Pope Francis resumes his weekly Wednesday General Audience after a July break, and dedicates his catechesis to his recent Apostolic Journey to Canada, a penitential pilgrimage dedicated to embracing indigenous peoples who suffered injustices over the centuries. Pope Francis resumed his weekly Wednesday General Audiences on [...]

Pope at Angelus: Avoid idolatry of wealth and seek life’s true goods

(CNS photo/Vatican Media via Reuters) July 31, 2022 Back at the Vatican just a day after his penitential pilgrimage to Canada, Pope Francis leads the Sunday Angelus in St. Peter's Square offering thoughts on the day's Gospel that warns about the covetousness that lies in everyone’s heart that can tempt us towards greed [...]

Pope: Indigenous Peoples and grandmothers are a precious treasure of the Church

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) July 27, 2022 Following the Mass in the Commonwealth Stadium of Edmonton, on Tuesday, Pope Francis celebrates a Liturgy of the Word at Lac Ste. Anne, one of the most sacred sites for Indigenous peoples of North America, long known as a place of healing. In his homily he says [...]

The ‘solemn purpose’ of the Pope’s penitential pilgrimage

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) July 24, 2022 Indigenous people in Canada eagerly await Pope Francis' message of repentance and reconciliation as he begins his "penitential pilgrimage" in Canada. As Pope Francis was arriving in Canada on Sunday morning, parishioners at Sacred Heart Church of the First Peoples in downtown Edmonton were celebrating Sunday Mass. [...]

Pope praises outgoing African Church discerning what God is telling us today

(CNS photo/Grant Lee Neuenburg, Reuters) July 20, 2022 Pope Francis prays that the Holy Spirit might inspire the Pan-African Catholic Theological & Pastoral Network, and calls this week's gathering of theologians, religious men and woman, laypeople and bishops in Nairobi to "discern what God is telling us today" a "sign of hope." Coming [...]

Pope at Angelus: ‘Listen to Jesus, everything else comes after’

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) July 17, 2022 At his Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis turns to the Liturgy and uses it to explain why listening to the words of Jesus must always be our priority, as it guides us towards everything else. Addressing the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square for [...]

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