Table of Contents
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The Return of the King by Robert Moynihan, Ph.D.
The Dreams of Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation “Dear Amazonia” by Christina Deardurff (with excerpts from the text and its commentators)
INTERVIEW/Cardinal Sarah continues the debate on celibacy by Christina Deardurff, citing Edward Pentin (National Catholic Register)
GERMANY/”Synodal Path” proposes married priests, ordained women by Cameron Doody,
Giving a Soul to the Economy of Tomorrow by ITV Staff
Pope Francis Hosts a Global Economic Conference (Assisi, March 26-28, 2020) by Christina Deardurff
“Look Carefully at Pope Francis’ Economy” by Dr. Samuel Gregg, Ph.D. (Research Director, Acton Institute)
The Francesco Economy by Thomas Storck (Contributing Editor, The Distributist Review)
Lent: The Return of the King… by ITV Staff
INTERVIEW/Russian ambassador: “The Vatican is the most stable state in Europe” by Gianni Valente, La Stampa
PERSPECTIVE/The Arian heresy and our present age, Part 1 by Joseph Tamayo
EDUCATION/Newman as Prophet, Newman as Physician by George A. Harne, President, Magdalen College, New Hampshire, USA
INTERIOR CASTLE/Contemplative Riches of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass by A Hermitess
FOOTSTEPS ON THE WAY/Thomas More and London Bridge by Kevin V. Turley
Icon/Divinization: “God became man so that man might become God” by Robert Wiesner
Spirituality/”We were created for prayer” By Father El Meskeen (1919-2006)
East-West Watch/The International Catholic-Orthodox Dialogue, Part 2 by Peter Anderson
News from the East/ Trouble in Montenegro by Becky Derks
LATIN/The Pope who promoted “sunbathing” (Pius VII)… A remarkable inscription by John Byron Kuhner, Paideia Institute, Rome
Art/”High tides” in Venice threaten to flood the city by Lucy Gordan
BOOK/Selection from Lord of the World (originally published in 1907) by Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson
Vatican Watch/A day-by-day chronicle of Vatican events: January and February by Becky Derks
People/Football Player Tim Tebow in Rome; Bishop Paprocki’s teaching . . . by Becky Derks
Food for Thought/Rival Cafés on St. Mark’s Square in Venice by Mother Martha