In an effort to favor the creation of a community of readers of these letters, I will be publishing, from time to time, the letters readers send to me. (Possibly on each Thursday of the week.)

    I publish them, and will include them on our web site, in part in order to add to the complexity of “the web algorithm,” which records, analyzes and takes into account every text posted on the internet(!).

    Here is a collection of recent letters, Letters from Readers #1.

    Please feel free to write to me with your thoughts, concerns, criticisms, and corrections. All letters are very welcome. If you do not wish your letters to be published in this way, please indicate that. —RM


    P.S. Please consider supporting this writing. Thank you. (link)    

    On Ukraine (link)

    “There is a simple and fast answer to end the war in Ukraine. Putin invaded a sovereign nation. He can end it. Pray he has a metanoia experience and confesses his sin.” —Kurt B.

    “Dear Bob, Right off the bat, there were approximately 77,000 babies murdered by legal abortion, per month, in the U.S. in 2022. Holocausts going on here daily. It is kind of her [Immacolata Solaro del Borgo, to give the relics to the believers in the East], but Repentance from disobeying God is the answer. God bless,” —Claudia P.

    “That [the description of the slaughter occurring in Ukraine] sounds so terrible dear Bob; I am in tears….. It is the same, I heard from the other side. We have to pray and sacrifice” —Katharina A.

    “Bob, Thank you for your continual coverage of this terrible, very stupid tragedy. The United States could bring this war to an end within days if the US State Dept. wanted it to happen. This is bloodier, more tragic and stupider than Vietnam. The Holy Father is doing all that he can. May God mightily bless those efforts by the Holy Father.” —Charles P.

    “Good report, Bob. Hungary seems somewhat pivotal. I pray that, God willing, Pope Erdo will bring the peace of Christ.” —Msgr John M.

    “The two relics: It would be nice if they produce the desired effect. Unfortunately, I am not holding my breath for the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) o change its warmongering stance against Ukraine as long as the present leadership (Kirill, etc…) is in place. For the ROC to regain any dignity and respect they will have to undergo a purge of the imperialist warmongering leadership, put in new leadership, issue apologies, do reparations, and re-educate their flock.” —Yuri M

    On Sachs on Ukraine (link)

    “Hi Robert, Thank you for this great article…your efforts towards unity between the east and the west are so needed. My first reaction when I saw you were publishing Jeffrey Sachs was, ‘Oh no what has happened to Dr M?’… However, going forward I was delighted to read his take on the disastrous nonsensical bloodbath taking place in the Ukraine. I couldn’t agree more with his thought. The main perpetrator Joe Biden is causing thousands of deaths… It must be stopped. I am glad he gives support to President Putin…who is correct on his analysis… I hope Sach’s article is translated into Italian, Spanish, Russian, and French… Pope Francis should read it. God bless” —Maria, UK

    “Your emails are very thorough, and your approach to writing is knowledgeable and diplomatic, something not easily found in a news resource. As much as I read, your work is very much enjoyed, so thank you! Many of us are concerned with the crisis in the world, our country, and the Church. It is nice to find good company among grounded traditional Catholics. The Traditional Rite seems to be growing despite orders from Rome. And those I know say we will take it to the Catacombs in the future if necessary. Where I live we are also fortunate to have SSPX within an hour as well. Thank you again for sharing your talent!” —Jackie

    “Bob, I read Sach’s letter in its entirety. It appears to be slanted toward the Russian perspective, e.g., no mention of the Russian invasion on 2-24-22. However, it also appears that the Biden Admin. has not pursued peace very vigorously and going for regime change which is a “be careful what you wish for“ proposition. Some U.S. persons, RFK Jr. comes to mind, have pointed this out. Also, I note that Biden has been wrong on every foreign policy issue for over 40 years per a former Sec. of Defense.” — Matt N., Cleveland

    “Dear Robert, So sad that you are fighting on the side of a brutal dictator. Mr. Sachs talks of the media spreading the Media lies of Joseph Biden. Why are Americans always so self-serving, vindictive of their own, and self righteous? Robert, since leaving America almost 10 years ago I see the land of my birth being torn apart from both sides. I keep thinking of the old saying “United we strand, divided we fall.” Making Biden our enemy and Putin a righteous man is sheer madness. I watch only German, British, and Danish news. Interesting that when Sachs talks about the lying Media he only knows American Media. That is his first big mistake. Study history. Ukraine is the 21st century Sudetenland. If Putin will win as Sachs seems to think, then what will be next, what will be his Poland?

    “WAKE UP AMERICA. Your long term enemies are from without, not from within.” —Kurt B.

    “Dear Robert, It looks like visiting Russia, even for many months, doesn’t really teach much. But I see instead just some totally naive, blind love for Russia but ignoring all other neighboring nationalities. It’s very sad and, at the same time, disgusting! I grow up in the Soviet Union, and I don’t need to hear from regular visitors where and what is the real truth! If you don’t want to manipulate people, send them also my opinion. I will not be going to write a big article with many chronologies, but just want to ask: did the US or Biden or any other Americans teach Russians to do the atrocities they are doing to the Ukrainian people?? Is it America’s fault? No! It’s a system of totalism and destroying any human dignity among most Russians in Russia and even outside. It’s outrageous to observe that Russians even outside of Russia are afraid to stand against the war and speak out against authoritarianism of Putin. The topic of NATO as being a reason for Putin to start the war is a huge misleading fake news. Do you know that Russia wanted to enter NATO a few times? First as USSR in 1954 and then starting from the 1990s. Why is Russia so silent now with Finland and Sweden joining NATO, and it bothers Russia so much that Ukraine made its attempts? Maybe Russia is just a totalitarian imperialistic substance? And Putin is a total devil who follows the satanic plans of another devil on earth — Stalin? Why list all Ukrainian steps in communication with NATO alliance and Minsk agreements that Russia was constantly breaking with missiles and killing people on Ukrainian territory but not to mention a Budapest Memorandum when Ukraine gave up nuclear in return for total fake Russian words to secure peace for Ukraine???

    “You have to be totally ignorant of all the damage the Soviet Union and then Russia did to its own people that they are afraid to speak out and to all neighboring countries. It’s why Poland and all Baltic countries support Ukraine so much in different ways. They had a similar experience and understood the situation much better than visiting Americans.

Until communism and Putinism are not condemned, the world is in big danger. Remember the words of Our Mother of Fatima to pray for repentance of Russia!

    “So, be objective and give people really read and see the truth, not only the ideas you like. Please, watch the video from the latest missile attack on Lviv. Ten civilian people were killed in their sleep on July 6. It happened across from the Catholic University of Ukraine… And please pray for thousands of kids kidnapped by Russia, thousands of civilians tortured, and priests who are missed. Thank you!” —Olia

    On Iben Thranholm’s Live Video (Link)

    Dear Dr. Moynihan, Blessed Sunday to you. With respect to both you and Iben, I am sending you my thoughts on this episode. I felt it best to send to you directly as opposed to commenting on you-tube. It was written on Thursday after viewing the video, but then I held off sending it. Then today, our 7th Sunday after Pentecost reading about false shepherds. What timing. I thank you for all you do to bring awareness to the faithful without censoring. Peace in Christ.

    “Below was my comment…

    “Dr. Moynihan, I have to be honest and say I found this conversation disturbing. Where to begin? Comparing criticism of the pope to Protestantism and stating criticism of him is wrong (perhaps I misunderstood?). My simple view on Protestantism is it’s a rebellion of Catholicism… a spin-off religion to suit man. Of course Protestants will bad-mouth Catholics, the drifters always will. Marshall, Matt, Vigano, Kwasniewski, etc. are not drifters. They stand up for hundreds of years of traditional teaching, something the hierarchy has abandoned. As far as criticism, it can be intervention for a soul, if only the recipient of the criticism would listen.

    “Stating that Dr. Marshall, Michael Matt, are ‘trying to get clicks and become Youtube stars,’ ‘they want to be small popes with their own kingdoms,’ ‘Vigano wants to be pope of his own church.’

    “Seriously, I found this particular commentary unnecessary, lacking substance, and seasoned with a dash of personal vehemence.

    “With regard to Michael Voris, if what he exposes in his abrasive, tabloid-like manner is too offensive (and I too am not a fan), then don’t go past the teaser to read the contents. I’m sorry, but I expected better from this discussion. Do you think perhaps the Lord is working through these people (Matt, Marshall, Vigano, Kwasniewski, Schneider, Lenga, Strickland, Mueller… yes, I added a few more) to awaken those that have ears to listen and to expose the weeds that are killing the good branches?

    “The intelligent arguments of these men doesn’t need the defense of a nobody like me though, the Pope himself has justified many of their words by his actions in his writing, commentary, appointments, and cancellations. @19:35 “Unity is at stake because of these people who are very angry with pope Francis”.

    “The real question to ask oneself: who is divisive, cancels, and ignores a select few? Well, something this Pope cannot cancel is the heart and soul of a true Catholic. ‘Make a mess,’ the Pope spewed early in his pontificate. ‘I am not afraid of schisms,’ were his words in a press conference in Sept 2019.

    “Do these words appear ‘unifying’? Is it proper to ‘not’ criticize error or heresy? A half-cognizant Catholic can see that God’s will is somehow being fulfilled these days… the filth is being exposed on a level we’ve never before witnessed, yet real Catholics still love the Church and pray for the Pope.

    “Marshall, Matt, Vigano, are not creating the separation, evil is separating itself from the Truth.

    “The katechon that prevents evil from overtaking the Church is an interesting subject. One does not have to dig too deeply to know that scandal and corruption has been with the Church since Her beginning. We live in a time where many of the shepherds are (to say politely) on holiday, and many outspoken, well informed faithful have filled a void. The wolves have been turned loose to ravage the sheep, and faithful have to choose between obedience to God or false obedience to the nuances of the current controversial hierarchy. Just one more thought: This crisis will pass. Imagine if, when it does, the remnant that remains in the Orthodox Roman Catholic Church is reunited with the truth in the Eastern Orthodox Church, freeing us from the debris, the weeds. Would this not be a beautiful thing? Whatever direction this “mess” leads, I feel certain that after the dust settles we will be in a better place. God’s will be done.” —Jacqueline

    On Viganò and Iben’s Video (link)

    “Dr. Moynihan, first of all, I want to thank you for publishing Vigano’s text. We’re not at all surprised that he is being deplatformed and, of course, this isn’t the first time.

    “Recently, I posted a few comments after one of your podcasts with Iben Thranholm, whom I’m very happy that you introduced us to. I’ve really enjoyed listening to her. She is a wonderful theologian and communicator and given her country and background, she is remarkable.

    “While she has made some very sobering and thoughtful comments about some of our contemporary Catholic ‘conservative’ media personalities, I have not agreed with all of her comments — especially with regard to Vigano. I was reminded of your Publisher’s comments in the Publisher’s Preface to Finding Viganò that Holy Mother Church will have the final word on the archbishop’s various statements in time.

    I find him to be a very holy man who acts like we’d like our popes to act, but this never seems to happen in this Papacy.

    It seemed as though Iben would like our prelates divorced from politics. That sentiment may have had some validity in another age, but not in our present time with the evil that daily envelopes us. Certainly, some of our prelates and commentators have violated some boundaries in their dislike of Francis, and as with Viganò, Holy Mother Church will ultimately be the arbiter.

    As difficult as it is to fathom some of the actions and workings of the Vatican at this present time, we must continue to pray for Holy Mother Church.” —Bill Z.

    “Dear Robert should we take our teachings from your former guest Iben or in my opinion the very brave Apostle of God Archbishop Viganò who teaches the gospel of Jesus and the apostles without compromise or avoiding the true catholic teaching of the bible, and he is against apostasy of the new world order of Soros, Clintons, Obamas, and Gates, also the Masons who are fully in control of the Vatican thanks to the hard work of cardinals Casaroli and Cormac Murphy O’Connor Murphy and the St. Gallen mafia.” —Patrick F.

    “Hi Bob, Thank you, and of course comments just below. Re: Archbishop Viganò’s talk ….. What is needed in the midst of all that is going on now: ( so wishing that Archbishop Viganò had even named Repentance as the first step for us all.). And, of course, this Great Re-Set is the manifestation of 666 as written of in Daniel and in the Book of Revelation, plus does he know about being fully armored up as in Ephesians 6 and in Romans 13: 12-14?  Not wise to go into battle not armored up.

    “Repentance for our sins and a firm purpose of amending our thoughts, words, and deeds to be wholly in line with the leading and guiding of the Holy Spirit.

    “Pray as led of by the Holy Spirit, for those who persecute you and despitefully use you.

    “Be always prayed up by spending time with God our Father, and with Jesus His Son, and with the Holy Spirit, every day.

    “Raise your children to Know God, to Love God, and to Serve God with their whole being.

    “Do use the services of those who belong to the Living God, as is possible.

    “And, regarding the Our Father Prayer:

    ‘In the Our Father prayer, Jesus showed us the order of priorities: hallowed be Your name, Your kingdom come, Your will be done are the main things, followed by the material ones: give us today our daily bread, forgive our debts to us, lead us not into temptation, deliver us from evil.’

    “The most important, the highest priority, are the first two words which Jesus gave to us: OUR FATHER ….

    “How often God’s people go to Mother Mary or to the Saints (whom I also love), rather than to Our Father. Jesus had reasons for telling us to go to Our Father. Read the Gospel of John and learn.

    ‘Sanctify the name of God, let him reign in your hearts and in society, obey his holy law: the rest — free of charge, like all things of God — will be given to us far beyond our hope.’

    “Yes, do all of that, and Do expect that persecution may well take place much more … for Jesus said that if they persecute Me, they will persecute you. He also said that He will be with us always.

    “God bless you and all” —Claudia P.

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