Finding Vigano

  • Finding Viganò

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  • A special offer from Dr. Robert Moynihan, Founder and Editor of Inside the Vatican magazine and author of Finding Viganò: In Search of the Man Whose Testimony Shook the Church and the World.  When you purchase Finding Viganò, you will also receive a complimentary one-year subscription to Inside the Vatican magazine.  Already a subscriber?  We will extend your subscription for another year at no additional cost.  

    $39.95 No Autograph (book $29.95 plus $10.00 for shipping and handling for the U.S.A.) $50.00 Autograph (includes shipping and handling for the U.S.A.) $75.00 Personalized Message (includes shipping and handling for the U.S.A.). For your personalized message, please use the "notes" section at checkout to provide your desired message. All non-U.S. orders will be subject to a $35.00 flat rate shipping charge.  This will be applied at check-out.  As a thank you, all non-U.S. orders will receive a complimentary autographed copy of Finding Viganò.  Thank you for your support!