Inside the Vatican

  •     In the May-June 2023 issue of Inside the Vatican: Critics rebut Archbishop Arthur Roche's claims that "Church teaching has changed" on the Mass; our signature "photo essay" follows the Holy Father through the Easter Triduum; Anthony Esolen inspires us to "drink deeply of the living waters"; and we learn about "Joseph Ratzinger, the gourmet."

        You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – especially as we celebrate our 30th year of independent publication in print, because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the May/June 2023 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In the July-August 2024 issue of Inside the Vatican, we begin to examine the explosive case of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, just notified of his excommunication by the Vatican; we analyze the Church's new document changing criteria for judging supernatural phenomena; we sample opinions on the art of disgraced Jesuit Marko Rupnik, and keeping it in public view, and we profile the jolly friar who is the "pastor" of a unique parish — St. Peter's Basilica in Rome.

    You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the July/August 2024 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In the November-December issue of Inside the Vatican: our Lead story profiles the Latin Catholic Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, and his offer of himself as hostage in place of innocent civilians in Gaza; we cover extensively the Synod on Synodality which ended October 28, and its implications for the Church; the modern Popes give us moving spiritual reflections on Christmas, accompanied by art of the Nativity; and Anthony Esolen offers a Christmas meditation on "Matthew's Astonishing Account of Christ's Birth."

    You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – especially as we celebrate our 30th year of independent publication in print, because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the November/October 2023 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  •     In our January-February 2023 issue, of Inside the Vatican, we profile "Ten Who Shine" --our Top Ten people of 2022 whose efforts make them shine with the light of Christ. We also feature Peter Anderson's analysis of Ukraine president Zelensky's new decrees regarding religious institutions in his country, and commentary on the current state of health care from a Catholic perspective. And our Lead story explains exactly who the nine Jesuits are whom Pope Francis has installed in positions of power in the Vatican.

        You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – especially as we celebrate our 30th year of independent publication in print, because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the January-February 2023 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In the March-April 2024 issue of Inside the Vatican, our Lead story covers the Pope's condemnation of surrogacy, IVF and all technologies that reduce human beings to commodities; we follow African Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo's extraordinary trip to Rome to register African rejection of Fiducia Supplicans; Benedict XVI biographer Peter Seewald talks about the late Pope's "heartbreak"; and Russia's new ambassador to the Holy See talks about his — and the Vatican's — diplomatic mission.

    You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the March/April 2024 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

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    In our January-February 2022 issue, we present our annual "Top Ten People of 2021" – profiles of ten "people who refuse to let the darkness prevail," ranging from an American Lt. Colonel who struggled to save Christians in the last moments of the US pullout from Afghanistan, to the Swiss Guard who was fired for refusing to accept the abortion-tainted Covid vaccine. We also feature an interview with Traditional liturgy expert Peter Kwasniewski and excerpts from his new book, From Benedict's Peace to Francis's War; a review of the new book on the St. Gallen Mafia; and Dr. Gavin Ashenden, former Anglican bishop and chaplain to the Queen of England, explains his departure from the Church of England for the Catholic Church.

    To purchase the digital edition of the January-February 2022 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In the January-February 2024 issue of Inside the Vatican, we follow from beginning to end the Vatican "Trial of the Century" which convicted curial Cardinal Angelo Becciu and eight others after 30 months and 600 courtroom hours; we profile our annual Top Ten personalities of 2023 — Shining Lights in an Often-dark Sky; American Cardinal James Francis Stafford talks to ITV about his 91 years from childhood to the Vatican and now retirement; and Maestro Aurelio Porfiri gives us his take on both the pitfalls but also the possibilities of AI in human culture.

    You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the January/February 2024 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • The November 2020 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine brings you a look at the Pope’s creation of 13 new cardinals — once again, in signature “Francis” form, from “the peripheries” of five continents...and this time, with a “particular accent on the sons of St. Francis.”  Francis’ new “mold-breaking” encyclical Fratelli tutti gets a critical reception from some Catholics, and a welcome one from others, as we feature a sampling of reactions to the Pope’s new 43,000-word document on the brotherhood of man. And Fr. Charles T. Murr, in our second installment, speaks at length with Kevin Symonds about the dramatic events he witnessed in the Roman Curia of the 1960s and 70s from his vantage point at the Vatican. ITV also covers changes at the Vatican’s finance offices; the return of Cardinal Pell to Rome; the call for a “neutral Lebanon”; and the first abuse trial within the Vatican itself. And Jan Bentz interviews veteran Vaticanist Edward Pentin on his new book, The Next Pope.
  • In our May-June 2022 issue, we report on Pope Francis’ historic consecration of Russia, Ukraine and “all humanity” to Mary’s Immaculate Heart; editor Robert Moynihan asks, “What are Catholics experiencing?” since the promulgation of Traditionis Custodes – and three thoughtful writers answer; German journalist Michael Hesemann reflects on Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI’s remarkable life in the first of a two-part article on “The Light of Holy Saturday”; and sacred music composer, organist and YouTube host Aurelio Porfiri inaugurates our newest regular feature “Tradition and Beauty” with an analysis of contemporary “youth music” in church.

    To purchase the digital edition of the May-June 2022 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  •     In our July-August 2022 issue, Christopher Hart-Moynihan reports on Lebanon, a land where incredible beauty, culture, history and faith coexist with political corruption, economic collapse and social turmoil – and how the Catholic Church is a cohesive force for good there. We also profile the 21 new cardinals just named by Pope Francis – most of them eligible to vote for the next Pope. Michael Hesemann continues his reflection on Pope Benedict XVI in “The Light of Holy Saturday, Part 2,” and Mary Ellen Stanford shines a light on St. Edith Stein and her role in "Understanding the Feminine" in a time of mass confusion. And our News of the East follows dramatic events unfolding in Orthodoxy since the conflict in Ukraine began.     And you won't want to miss our newsletter insert "Communique" with updates on the efforts of Urbi et Orbi Communications to help the suffering and bring unity in Ukraine and Lebanon.

    To purchase the digital edition of the July-August 2022 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In our September-October issue, we feature a profile of the courageous papal nuncio to Ukraine, Archbishop Visvaldas Kilbokas, who is trying to shepherd his suffering flock through the fog of war; our news reports spotlight some of Pope Francis’ latest changes at the Vatican; Professor Anthony Esolen questions whether the Synod on Synodality is really going to “the peripheries”; and John Byron Kuhner looks at the liturgical reform of Vatican II through the lens of Cardinal John Henry Newman’s conversion. We also have an interview with screen legend – and Catholic convert – Gary Cooper’s daughter Maria, and a glimpse of Rome’s “second Sistine Chapel.”

        You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – especially as we celebrate our 30th year of independent publication in print, because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the September-October 2022 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In the July-August issue of Inside the Vatican: Pope Francis' offers to attempt to broker peace in Ukraine are rebuffed by President Zelensky; we look at potential candidates in the next papal conclave; our special "Education" section shows parents how to cure the Catholic education headache; and our resident expert on the Eastern churches, Peter Anderson, explains the conflict over Ukraine's ancient Lavra.

    You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – especially as we celebrate our 30th year of independent publication in print, because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the July/August 2023 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  •     In our November-December issue, we feature our signature Christmas "art essay" with reflections from "The Angelic Doctor," St. Thomas Aquinas. We also bring you a recent interview with the former Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Müller, on synodality and the Church as "welfare organization"; a special center pull-out newsletter of Urbi et Orbi Communications' Unitas initiative, which is bringing help and hope to suffering Christians in Lebanon and Ukraine; an interesting biography of an early Catholic champion of human dignity; and a meditation on the distinctive music of the season...and in our Food for Thought section, a brief history of pumpkin pie.

        You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – especially as we celebrate our 30th year of independent publication in print, because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the November-December 2022 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In the May-June 2024 issue of Inside the Vatican, our Lead story covers the newest document from the DDF, Dignitas Infinita — praised by some and panned by others; we look at the Church's lonely peace efforts in both the Gaza and Ukraine conflicts; we ask why some Churchmen are attempting rapprochement with the Freemasons; and our resident expert on sacred music calls for a Catholic "cultural revolution" that embraces beauty, for a change.

    You don’t want to miss this latest issue of Inside the Vatican – because “Print is where free thought stays alive.”

    To purchase the digital edition of the May/June 2024 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In our May-June issue, Inside the Vatican reports on veteran researcher Joseph Marino's newest findings on the Shroud of Turin, and interviews the venerable "elder statesman" of the Church, Guinean Cardinal Francis Arinze. Canon lawyer Dr. Jane Adolphe discusses the appointment of women to Vatican posts, and in our lead story, Thomas Storck explores the Vatican's involvement in a council of global capitalist powerhouses.

    To purchase the digital edition of the May/June 2021 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In our November-December 2021 issue, we publish Vatican journalist Diane Montagna's new revelations about the Vatican document suppressing the Traditional Mass, Traditionis Custodes; Catholic economics author Thomas Storck examines the Vatican's recent foray into the UN's Conference on Trade and Development; T. Franche dite Laframboise explains why Doctrine is a "Treasury of Light"; and we celebrate Christmas with beloved St. Francis of Assisi.

    To purchase the digital edition of the November-December 2021 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • Inside the Vatican magazine January/February 2021 issue: A New Year with St. Joseph

    To purchase the digital edition of the January/February 2021 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • Inside the Vatican's March-April issue features an explosive interview with the former head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Cardinal Gerhard Müller; a sampling of opinion on the Pope's new directive that allows women lectors and acolytes at the altar; and an insightful reflection from Joseph Pearce on "Adopting God's Perspective in a Troublous Time." And to help you observe Lent, Holy Week and Easter, we bring you another signature Art Essay with inspiring passages from Popes, Fathers of the Church and Sacred Scripture.

    To purchase the digital edition of the March/April 2021 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.

  • In our July-August issue, Inside the Vatican features Bishop Athanasius Schneider's penetrating essay on the Mass; a report on Cardinal Gerhard Marx's rebuffed offer to resign; James Bertrand's interview with a researcher of the "Holy Fire" phenomenon; and a reflection by Anthony Esolen on the poetry of Scripture.

    To purchase the digital edition of the July/August 2021 issue of Inside the Vatican magazine, click here.