
  • A special offer from Dr. Robert Moynihan, Founder and Editor of Inside the Vatican magazine and author of Finding Viganò: In Search of the Man Whose Testimony Shook the Church and the World.  When you purchase Finding Viganò, you will also receive a complimentary one-year subscription to Inside the Vatican magazine.  Already a subscriber?  We will extend your subscription for another year at no additional cost.  

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  • ITV’s October 2020 issue features a fascinating interview about the famous “Mother” Pascalina, who served the brilliant and saintly Pope Pius XII for 41 years. Also in this issue is a remarkable story of one of the early crusaders for legal abortion who became a Catholic--and spent the rest of his life working to undo the damage he and the organization he helped found, NARAL, had done. And veteran vaccine researcher Theresa Deischer explains what’s so very wrong with today’s unsafe vaccine development.
  • Finding Viganò

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  • Inside the Vatican magazine is a well-informed, comprehensive monthly Catholic news magazine covering events and news inside the Vatican, at the heart of the Roman Catholic Church and around the universal Church. We began in 1993 as an independent publication, editorially and financially of the Vatican. Since our beginnings, we have had subscribers in more than 150 countries and we are still in print! More and more, readers regardless of religious affiliation have joined us to gain insights on world affairs and the heart of the Church. This offers allows you to receive one Print issue of Inside the Vatican magazine and one Digital issue of Inside the Vatican magazine. If you have received a coupon code, please enter the coupon code at checkout.