April 2016

People April 2016

Vatican Paper Lauds Spotlight as Brave, Not Anti­-Catholic The film Spotlight, which won the Oscar for best picture on February 28, is a courageous movie that is not anti­-Catholic, the Vatican daily L’Osservatore Romano said in two articles commenting on the Oscars. Spotlight Italian historian and journalist Lucetta Scaraffia (photo), in an op-­ed titled [...]

The Mystery of Man

"The Casting Out of Eden of Adam and Eve," by Giusto De' Menabuoi, in the Baptistry of Padua, Italy Our immortal souls are joined to mortal bodies. How can this be? A thought-provoking philosophical reflection on human nature by the great Belgian philosopher Dr. Alice von Hildebrand At age eleven, I was privileged to [...]

Food For Thought

We all know that “Rome wasn’t built in a day.” Indeed, Rome is a layer-cake of history built on seven hills, and it is appropriately nicknamed “The Eternal City” because visitors can see monuments and art from almost every period of her c. 2,700-year history: Ancient Greek, Republican Rome, Imperial Rome, Medieval (if not so much), [...]

From the Domus Santa Marta: The Words of Pope Francis

Trusting without understanding, especially in the face of tragedy, is often the hardest act of faith. Yet this is exactly what Pope Francis calls us to do in the face of suffering. To call out to God in the midst of the pain, confusion, and loneliness, saying, “I don’t understand, but I trust you,” is a [...]

Vatican Watch April 2016

FEBRUARY SATURDAY 27 How a Change in Vatican Protocol Reflects Outreach to the Divorced-and-Remarried With an eye toward divorced-and-remarried Catholics, Pope Francis has recently changed protocol for heads of state who are visiting the Pope at the Vatican. Catholic heads of state who are in an irregular marital situation may now take part in an [...]

Letters to the Editor

On Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”) Thank you for forwarding by email “The Joy of Love” by Pope Francis, published on April 8. I have read it and think it is one of the finest pieces ever written. I’m hoping our community will do a study of it. God bless you. Eva D. Madison [email protected] [...]