Archbishop Pietro Parolin

The Torch Passes From Bertone to Parolin

Pope Francis Archbishop Pietro Parolin was absent from the ceremony of his installation as the new Vatican secretary of state on October 15. Struck by gallstones (or appendicitis, according to other sources), Parolin had to undergo an urgent, though not grave, operation. During the ceremony, Pope Francis thanked the outgoing secretary of state, Cardinal [...]

Sidebar: Archbishop Parolin’s Devotion to Our Lady of Coromoto

By Alberto Carosa   In late August, Pope Francis announced his choice of Archbishop Pietro Parolin, apostolic nuncio to Venezuela, to replace the outgoing secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone. In accepting the resignation of Bertone, 78, the Pope asked him to remain in his position until October 15 “with all the faculties proper to the [...]

An interview with Cardinal Giovanni Lajolo

After spending four years in Venezuela, Archbishop Pietro Parolin will re­turn to the Vatican as the new secretary of state. Pope Francis announced his decision during the hot Roman summer, in August (in theory, the summer holiday of the Curia). Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone will hand over his office to his successor on October 15. The Pope [...]

Archbishop Pietro Parolin Is the New Vatican Secretary of State

In this interview, the recently- appointed Vatican secretary of state, Pietro Parolin, outlines what he hopes to achieve in his new diplomatic role. From the Apostolic Nunciature in Caracas, where he was still working as the Holy See’s “ambassador” to Venezuela, Parolin talked about his view of the geopolitical situation in light of Pope Francis’ efforts [...]