Ash Wednesday

Letter #10, 2017: "Not flesh and blood"

February 28, 2017, Tuesday -- "Not flesh and blood" "Francis received in audience this morning... - H. E. Abp. Guido Pozzo, Titular Archbishop of Bagnoregio, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei..." —from the official Vatican Press Office Bulletin of February 27, 2017, that is, yesterday (link); Archbishop Guido Pozzo, the head of the Vatican's Ecclesia [...]

The Fraternal Role: "Brotherhood is a great thing"

Dear Brothers and Sisters, good morning! In our series of catechesis on the family, after having considered the role of the mother, the father and children, today is the turn of brothers and sisters. “Brother” and “sister” are words that Christianity loves very much. And, thanks to the family experience, they are words that all cultures and [...]