Blessed Pope John XXIII

Letter #48, 2016: The Passing of Capovilla

May 27, 2016, Friday -- The Passing of Capovilla Cardinal Loris Capovilla Passes Away At The Age Of 100 "There was a second envelope." —The late Cardinal Loris Capovilla, speaking to me in his residence in Sotto il Monte in early 2007, when I asked him why the letter of the Third Secret of Fatima held [...]

The Christmas of God’s Mercy

This Christmas, the Church will also be celebrating during the special “Holy Year of Mercy” called by Pope Francis. What does mercy mean to this Pope? A great deal, for he experienced mercy himself, and it changed him forever... “When I see the sick, the elderly, a caress comes spontaneously to me. A caress is... the [...]