
Believers must condemn violence in name of religion

Pope Francis meets in the Vatican with participants in a conference on ways of combatting religious violence   Pope Francis met on Friday with participants at a conference on how to combat violence committed in the name of religion. In his address, the Pope stressed that every human life is sacred, whatever the individual’s ethnicity, [...]

Pope’s Angelus of Sunday 31 December 2017: Full text

This Sunday, Pope Francis reflects on the Feast of the Holy Family and how St Luke’s Gospel describes the presentation of Jesus in the Temple  Dear brothers and sisters, good morning! On this first Sunday after Christmas, we celebrate the Holy Family of Nazareth, and the Gospel invites us to reflect on the experience lived by [...]

Pope meets Egypt's Muslim leader Ahmed al-Tayeb

Pope Francis met on Tuesday with the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed Muhammad al-Tayeb who is in Rome to attend a conference organised by the St Egidio community. No details of the private encounter were released, but the meeting marked the second trip to the Vatican in two years by Egypt’s top Muslim leader. His first meeting with [...]

Pope meets Orthodox delegation from Ecumenical Patriarchate

Pope Francis met on Tuesday with members of an Orthodox delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate who are here in Rome to celebrate the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. In his greeting, the Pope noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the first exchange of visits between a Roman pontiff and an Ecumenical Patriarch. [...]

Pope Francis in Cairo: full text of homily at Sat AM Mass

Pope Francis was the principal celebrant and homilist at Mass for Egyptian Catholics in the “Air Defense Stadium” in Cairo on Saturday. Below, please find the full text of the Holy Father’s prepared remarks, in their official English translation. Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis Holy Mass, Cairo 29 April 2017           [...]

Patriarch Bartholomew expected to join Pope Francis in Cairo

In just one week’s time, Pope Francis takes off on a journey to the Egyptian capital Cairo, where he will visit the prestigious al-Azhar centre of Islamic studies.  Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, spiritual leader of the Orthodox world, is also expected to join the Holy Father there, alongside the Coptic Pope Tawadros II. Both Pope Francis and [...]