Morning Mass Homilies

A collection of the homilies from the Pope’s morning masses.

Pope at Palm Sunday Mass: With Jesus, it is never too late

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) April 10, 2022 Presiding over the liturgy of Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, Pope Francis encourages us to journey toward Easter with God's forgiveness, and recalls that as Christ gazes upon "our violent and tormented world," Jesus never tires of repeating: "Father forgive them for they know not what they [...]

Pope Francis: May our Eucharistic celebrations transform the world

(CNS photo/Giuseppe Lami, Reuters pool) June 6, 2021 Pope Francis celebrates Mass on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, reminding us of our need for the Lord’s presence and love, and the Food and Drink of eternal life to sustain us on our journey. By Vatican News staff writer [...]

Pope on Pentecost: Open your heart to the Holy Spirit

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) May 23, 2021 Presiding over Mass in Saint Peter’s Basilica on Pentecost Sunday, Pope Francis recalls Jesus’ promise to send His disciples the Holy Spirit, “the ultimate gift, the gift of gifts”, the Spirit who “is the very love of God”. By Vatican News staff writer In his homily for the Pentecost [...]

Pope at Mass: Priestly ordination ‘a gift of service’

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) April 25, 2021 Pope Francis celebrates Mass on Good Shepherd Sunday, and ordains 9 men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Rome. By Vatican News staff writer As the Church marks Good Shepherd Sunday, Pope Francis celebrated Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica with the Rite of Ordination of Priests. The [...]

Pope Francis celebrates Mass on Easter Sunday

(CNS photo/Vatican Media) April 4, 2021 Pope Francis presides over Mass on Easter Sunday morning in St. Peter’s Basilica at the Altar of the Chair, and thanks all those who worked hard to make the Triduum celebrations so beautiful. By Devin Watkins Pope Francis celebrated Mass on Easter Sunday morning at the Vatican Basilica [...]

Pope on Palm Sunday: Let us ask for the grace to be amazed

(CNS photo/Paul Haring) March 28, 2021 Presiding over the liturgy of Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, Pope Francis underscored the sense of interior amazement that marks this celebration and remains with us throughout Holy Week. By Vatican News staff writer For the second year in a row, Pope Francis led the celebration of [...]

Pope Francis celebrates Mass for 500 years of Christianity in Philippines

(CNS photo/Cristian Gennari, pool) March 14, 2021 Pope Francis celebrates Mass to mark the 500th anniversary of the arrival of Christianity in the Philippines, and urges Filipinos to renew their commitment to Christ as missionary disciples. By Devin Watkins Pope Francis on Sunday joined the Church in the Philippines in commemorating 500 years of [...]

Pope at Ash Wednesday Mass: ‘Lent is a journey of return to God’

(CNS photo/Vatican television) February 17, 2021 Pope Francis celebrates Mass on Ash Wednesday in St. Peter’s Basilica, and urges Christians to experience Lent as a return journey toward the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. By Devin Watkins As the Church begins the holy season of Lent, Pope Francis celebrated Mass for Ash Wednesday, with [...]

Pope at Mass: God’s Word a love letter from the One who knows us best

CNS photo/Romano Siciliani, pool January 24, 2021 In his homily at Mass for the Sunday of the Word of God, read by Archbishop Rino Fisichella, Pope Francis invites Christians to make time for Sacred Scripture, and emphasizes that God’s Word is one of consolation but also a call to conversion. By Lydia O’Kane Holy [...]

Pope at Mass: ‘Faith is a love story for people in love!”

CNS photo/Paolo Galosi, pool November 29, 2020 Pope Francis and the new Cardinals created during Saturday’s Consistory concelebrate Mass on the First Sunday of Advent inviting the faithful to get close to the Lord and to serve their neighbours. By Linda Bordoni Celebrating Holy Mass on the First Sunday of Advent together with 11 [...]

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