Cardinal Sarah

Letter #45, 2016: A New Interview

May 18, 2016, Wednesday -- Francis, His Interviews, and the "Re-Branding" of the Church Francis Interviewed Again, This Time by La Croix, a French Paper... "We need to speak of 'roots' in the plural because there are so many. In this sense, when I hear talk of the Christian roots of Europe, I sometimes dread the [...]

Archbishop Gänswein Praises Cardinal Sarah for His Prophetic Witness

Cardinal Robert Sarah’s boldness in proclaiming the Gospel and resisting the Zeitgeist is a prophetic witness reminiscent of a 5th century North African Pope who laid the foundations for healthy church-state relations, Archbishop George Gänswein has said. In a well-received speech in Rome Nov. 20 at the launch of the German edition of the book God or [...]

Letter # 41, 2014: A Key Appointment

November 24, 2014, Monday — Pope Chooses Sarah to Head Liturgy Congregation Cardinal Sarah named Prefect for Congregation for Divine Worship Pope Francis today named Cardinal Robert Sarah as Prefect for the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. Cardinal Sarah has been serving as President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum. Cardinal [...]