Lead Stories

Major stories that get to the pith of the situation.

Vatican issues new rules for judging apparitions

Cardinal Fernández tightens Rome's control while hinting that traditional Catholics, in their reliance on "faith and prayer," may fuel distorted attitudes By Robert Moynihan ”Many times, these events have led to a great richness of spiritual fruits, growth in faith, devotion, fraternity, and service…” “At the same time, in some events of alleged supernatural origin, there [...]

New Vatican document on human dignity

Dignitatis Infinita condemns gender transition, surrogacy and abortion By Tyler Arnold (CNA) Presentation in the Holy See Press Office of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith’s Dignitas Infinita. Panelists: Secretary of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, Monsignor Armando Matteo; Dicastery Prefect Cardinal Victor Fernandez; Professor Paola Scarcella, lecturer at the [...]

Pope Calls Surrogacy ‘Deplorable’

...and calls for its global prohibition. He made the call January 8 to the world's diplomats By Courtney Mares (CNA) Pope Francis called surrogacy “deplorable” and called for a global ban on the exploitative practice of “so-called surrogate motherhood” in an annual speech to all of the world’s ambassadors to the Vatican on January 8. “The [...]

Jerusalem Patriarch Pizzaballa Offers Himself as Hostage

“Am I ready for an exchange? Anything, if that can lead to freedom and bring those children home” — Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa By ITV staff/CNA On October 7, Hamas led the deadliest militant attack in Israel’s history, with an Israeli death toll at more than 1400. Israel then launched its heaviest-ever airstrikes [...]

Zelenksy to Francis: “Thanks, But No Thanks”

May 13, 2023, Vatican City. Arrival of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky for the meeting with Pope Francis, accompanied by Father Leonardo Sapienza (Vatican/Pool/Galazka) After the Pope’s allusions to possible Vatican efforts toward peace and much subsequent speculation, Pope Francis met on Saturday, May 13 — the anniversary of the first Fatima apparition [...]

Critics of Cardinal Roche: “There is no evidence for a ‘hermeneutic of rupture'”

By Robert Moynihan British Cardinal Arthur Roche, 73, the Pope’s head of the Dicastery for Divine Worship since 2021, spoke briefly in a BBC report on Sunday, March 19 on the issue of the Vatican’s limiting of the Traditional Latin Mass (abbreviated as the “TLM”) on July 16, 2021, in Traditionis custodes. The BBC report [...]

The Pope’s handpicked Jesuits at the Vatican

By ITV Staff 1. Cardinal Michael F. Czerny, S.J., 76, is a Czechoslovakian-born Canadian who has been prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development since April 23, 2022, previously undersecretary of the dicastery since 2017. Pope Francis made him a cardinal in 2019. Czerny has worked to promote social justice in Canada, Latin America, [...]

Francis’ Team in Command of the Church: All Jesuits

The Jesuit Pope has handpicked an unprecedented number of his confrères for influential positions. In what direction are they leading the Church? By Sandro Magister (Settimo Cielo) On January 11, 2016, at the Vatican, Pope Francis led a group of cardinals into the Sala Regia to receive the representatives of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to [...]

“Our Pastoral Action Speaks to a Man who No Longer Exists”

October 24 interview in L'Osservatore Romano with Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg and Relator General of the upcoming Synod on Synodality By Andrea Monda and Roberto Cetera Following are excerpts of an October 24, 2022 interview in L’Osservatore Romano with Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich, Archbishop of Luxembourg and president of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences [...]

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