Casa Santa Marta

On the folly of hard-hearted Christians

Pope Francis celebrated Mass in the chapel of the Casa Santa Marta on Tuesday – the Feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr. Following the Readings of the Day, the Holy Father reflected on the “foolishness” of those, who are unable to hear the Word of God, preferring appearances, idols, or ideologies – like the people of Jerusalem, whose faithlessness caused Our Lord to [...]

New Saints show us how to say 'yes' to God's love

Inviting all faithful to practice Christian love every day, Pope Francis on Sunday canonized 35 new saints, nearly all of them martyrs, holding them up as models who “point the way”. To the over 35,000 pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for the Canonization Mass, he said “They did not say a fleeting ‘yes’ to love, they said ‘yes’ with their lives [...]

Pope urges Christians to watch out against worldliness

Only Christ crucified will save us from the demons that make us "slide slowly into worldliness", saving us also from the "stupidity" that St. Paul talks about to the Galatians, and from seduction.  This was the central message of the homily of Pope Francis at his Mass, Friday morning, at the Santa Marta residence in the Vatican.  [...]

'God's omnipotence is manifested in His mercy'

Pope Francis on Tuesday reminded the faithful that God’s infinite mercy prevails over all, but he warned against rigidity and invited Christians to always open their hearts.  The Pope was speaking during morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta. Reflecting, for the second consecutive day, on a reading from the Book of Jonah, Pope Francis concluded that it is God’s mercy [...]

The Good Samaritan manifests the mystery of Christ ‎

Pope Francis on Monday urged Christians to emulate the figure of the Good Samaritan and help those in need to get up, like Christ who “continues to pay” for us.   Delivering a homily at the morning Mass at the Casa Santa Marta residence in the Vatican, he reflected on the attitude of the various actors in [...]

'Ask the Lord for the courage to follow Jesus'

Pope Francis has invited Christians to turn to God in search of the courage and strength needed to follow Jesus in our lives. Speaking on Tuesday morning during the homily at Mass in the Casa Santa Marta, the Pope reflected on Jesus’s journey to Jerusalem as the moment of His crucifixion drew near. Accepting the will of his Father, [...]

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