
Pope’s message to Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

Pope Francis is encouraging Catholics and Orthodox not only to further theological dialogue between them, but also to promote joint initiatives on issues such as caring for the environment, peaceful coexistence among peoples and the presence of Christians in the Middle East, without waiting for the day of full and visible communion.‎ The Pope, who is on an apostolic visit to Myanmar and [...]

Pope meets Orthodox delegation from Ecumenical Patriarchate

Pope Francis met on Tuesday with members of an Orthodox delegation from the Ecumenical Patriarchate who are here in Rome to celebrate the feast of Saints Peter and Paul. In his greeting, the Pope noted that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the first exchange of visits between a Roman pontiff and an Ecumenical Patriarch. [...]

Pope Francis sends well-wishes to Patriarch Bartholomew for name day

Pope Francis has sent a handwritten message to Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople, full of well-wishes for his name day. The feast day of the apostle St. Bartholomew is celebrated in the Oriental Churches on 11 June. "May Catholics and Orthodox continue on the path towards full communion, working together to promote peace, cooperation, and dialogue [...]

Letter #61, 2016: Appeal from Assisi

September 20, 2016, Tuesday -- Appeal for Peace from Assisi "This is the spirit that animates us: to bring about encounters through dialogue, and to oppose every form of violence and abuse of religion which seeks to justify war and terrorism." —Declaration of Assisi, released today in Assisi, Italy, as a common call from representatives of [...]