
‘May the Holy Spirit unite what is still divided’

Pope Francis urged members of the German Lutheran Church, whom he received in the Vatican, to continue walking the path to unity. Receiving a Delegation of the German Evangelical Lutheran Church in audience, Pope Francis on Monday recalled his positive 2016 visit to Lund in Sweden to mark the Common Commemoration of the Reformation. Pointing out that “for the [...]

WCC Pastor on Pope’s upcoming Geneva visit

An official at the World Council of Churches (WCC) speaks of “a new (ecumenical) spring with Pope Francis and his initiatives.” Pastor Martin Robra’s comments come ahead of the papal visit to the WWC headquarters in Geneva on June 21st. Evangelical Pastor Martin Robra, a senior official at the World Council of Churches (WCC), says Pope [...]

Apostolic Nuncio speaks on conditions in Ukraine

The Apostolic Nuncio to Ukraine speaks with Vatican News about the situation in the country.. In the wake of Pope Francis’ visit to a Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church on Sunday, the Apostolic Nuncio, Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti to Ukraine is speaking out about the situation in the eastern European nation. A parish is not a museum In [...]

Progress in Catholic relations with Russian Orthodox world

Fr Hyacinthe Destivelle, from the Pontifical Council for Christian Unity, talks about prospects for the new phase of relationships between Moscow and the Holy See While Churches in the West prepare to celebrate the Epiphany this Sunday, Christians in much of the Eastern Orthodox world, which follows the ancient Julian calendar, are gearing up for their [...]

Indonesian Protestants embrace papal teaching on Christian Unity ‎

Indonesian Protestants who are marking the 5th centenary of the Protestant Reformation, have embraced Pope Francis' Apostolic Exhortation "Evangelii Gaudium” on the proclamation of the Gospel in today’s world, calling it a document that can significantly help mend ties among Christians in a country experiencing a surge in religious intolerance. ‎The Reformation was sparked by ‎the ‎publication on [...]