Father Cassian Folsom

Letter #14, 2017: The Quest

April 23, 2017, Sunday, Divine Mercy Sunday "Christian liturgy is a liturgy of promise fulfilled, of a quest, the religious quest of human history, reaching its goal. But it remains a liturgy of hope. It, too, bears within it the mark of impermanence. The new Temple, not made by human hands, does exist, but it is [...]

Letter #13, 2017: Holy Saturday

April 15, 2017, Holy Saturday From Norcia to Chieti During Holy Saturday, on the Vigil of Easter, silence. Time to stand apart. To stand aside. To divest of all, thoughts, hopes, judgments, even fears. To divest, to unclothe, as did Francis of Assisi, before the bishop of Assisi in 1207, when he gave back everything to [...]

Letter #65, 2016: "The Church Has Collapsed"

October 31, 2016, Monday -- The Basilica of St. Benedict in Norcia, Italy, at the birthplace of St. Benedict (480-529 A.D.), has completely collapsed due to an earthquake, but thankfully... no lives have been lost in Norcia and the monks and nuns in the city are all safe "The Basilica of St. Benedict is destroyed.'" —Father [...]

Letter # 47, 2014: Happy New Year

A Blessed New Year Wednesday, December 31, 2014 I write from the little town of Norcia, Italy, where St. Benedict was born. Here, the year is drawing to an end with snow flurries and temperatures below freezing. Above the city, snow-covered muntain peaks were shrouded in mist all day. Father Cassian and the monks here just [...]

Letter # 44, 2014: 1st Annual Urbi et Orbi Dinner

December 6, 2014, Saturday — Orthodox and Catholics to Gather at Papal Nunciature The text below is the Press Release for the 1st Annual Urbi et Orbi Foundation dinner on December 10, 2014, in Washington D.C., at the papal nunciature. PRESS RELEASE --For Immediate Release-- December 6, Washington, DC — The Urbi et Orbi Foundation will [...]

Top Ten People 2011: Father Cassian Folsum, O.S.B.

Dom Cassian Folsom, OSB Sometimes we are able to see a splendid adventure of life and in faith just at the moment that it is unfolding. And we are able to watch the struggles, and challenges, and successes, of a man, or group of men, and even to participate with them in that adventure. [...]