February 2016

Spirituality: The Orthodox Saints Speak

Rivalry over material possessions has made us forget. . . So we no longer pursue plainness and simplicity of life. We no longer value stillness, which helps to free us from past defilement, but prefer a whole host of things which distract us uselessly from our true goal. Rivalry over material possessions has made us forget [...]

The Message of the Icon

The icon of "Christ the Judge" Christ the Judge This month we highlight a famous and brilliantly executed icon dating from the 6th or 7th century. The icon was preserved during the time of the iconoclastic heresy simply due to the remote location of Saint Catherine’s Monastery at the base of Mount Sinai. Some [...]

"I Was a Stranger and You Took Me In…” The Papal Almoner

Pope Francis greets one of eight poor people at his general audience in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican Dec. 17, the pope's 78th birthday. A group of the poor were invited to the audience in celebration of the pope's birthday. (CNS photo/Paul Haring) The Pope has asked a Polish archbishop to be his [...]

Pope Francis Will Celebrate a Series of Jubilee of Mercy Events

The long line of pilgrims on the path dedicated to them as they move toward the entrance of St. Peter's Basilica through the Holy Door The Jubilee Year opened December 8, and continues through November 20, the Feast of Christ the King The Holy See has designated a number of special days throughout the [...]

“The Lord Changed My Life”

Interview with an exorcist:  “The best way of dealing with the devil is to fall in love with God” Fr. Peter Glas Fr. Peter Glas, a native of Poland, is a priest and exorcist in the Diocese of Portsmouth in southern England. He was ordained in 1989 and is a noted member of the [...]

Suffering, A Crushing Burden…

"The Compassion," by William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1897 ...except when it is an expression of love. Then it can sanctify, not destroy us If there is one thing we all dread, it is suffering. A newborn baby will already respond with screams to any discomfort. Many human beings spend much of their lives trying not only [...]

In Defense of What Has Been Believed “Always, Everywhere, By All”

An interview of Bishop Athanasius Schneider about the SSPX, women and footwashing, the consecration of Russia, anti-pastoral bishops, and more We do not endorse unreservedly every statement of Bishop Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Mary Most Holy in Astana, Kazakhstan. However, Schneider’s voice has become an influential one in the Church, especially in [...]

“Conversion” of Jews: What Does the New Vatican Statement Say?

Pope Francis' visit to the Great Synagogue of Rome. Pope Francis' speech to the Jewish Community of Rome.   An American Catholic offers a reflection on the recent statement on Catholic-Jewish relations from the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity Initial news headlines on the recent document issued by the Vatican Commission [...]

“Anguish and Tears Must Never Be Forgotten”

Pope Francis enters the Great Synagogue of Rome (Galazka photo)   Pope Francis visited the Jewish synagogue of Rome on January 17. He emphasized the “rich, common spiritual heritage” of Jews and Christians While the Catholic Church affirms that salvation comes through Jesus, it also recognizes that God is faithful and has not revoked [...]

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