Gianfranco Ravasi

Anniverseries, Ordinations & Restorations

ANNIVERSARIES Pope John XXIII. On October 3, Pope Francis attended a commemorative conference marking the 50th anniversary of Blessed John XXIII’s encyclical PACEM IN TERRIS (“Peace on Earth”). The Pacem in Terris conference was organized by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace in Rome Oct. 2-4. Pacem in Terris, published in 1963, was [...]

Letter #63, 2010 — Burke’s Talk

Looking at the New Cardinals On Wednesday, October 20, Benedict XVI announced he would create 24 cardinals at a Consistory on November 20, one month from now. Who are some of the men he chose and what are they like? By Robert Moynihan, reporting from Rome (Note: Inside the Vatican magazine will organize a small pilgrimage, limited to 12 [...]