January 2012

St. Antony of the Desert

St. Anthony is the best known of the Desert Fathers. The Desert Fathers were hermits, ascetics, monks, and nuns who lived mainly in the Scetes desert of Egypt beginning around the third century AD. Saint Anthony was born in the year 251, in Qimn El-Arouse (Cooma) near Herakleopolis Magna in Lower Egypt, to wealthy landowner parents. [...]

A Tale of Three Magazines

  The covers of the first issues of 30 Giorni (the Italian original of 30 Days), of 30 Days, of Catholic World Report, and of Inside the Vatican. A few weeks ago, I received news in an email from Father Joseph Fessio that Catholic World Report would become a purely Internet publication after its [...]

Vatican Watch – January 2012

Thursday 10 ISRAELI RELIGIOUS LEADERS AT THE VATICAN Dialogue is essential for religious leaders in the Holy Land, “a place full of memories sacred to our traditions,” but a place that each day faces challenges to living together in harmony, Benedict XVI told religious leaders from Israel. The “movement toward reconciliation requires courage and vision, as [...]

Armenia Imprints of a Civilization

Fifteenth-century Khachkar of Sotk, Erevan, Armenia, Echmiadzin’s Holy See Museum In 301 A.D., more than a decade before the Emperor Constantine allowed Christianity to be legal in the Roman Empire, landlocked Armenia, situated in the Caucasus, at the foot of Mount Ararat, renowned as the landing-place of Noah’s Ark, became the first Christian state [...]

Top Ten People of 2011: Mercedes Wilson

Mercedes Arzu Wilson Mercedes Arzu Wilson is a “fighter for life,” one of the most prominent in the world. She has been part of Vatican delegations at United Nations’ conferences, has written books, has given lectures around the world, has prepared packages of materials and carried them to the post office, and has been [...]

Rome at the Time of Caravaggio

Caravaggio’s The Madonna of Loreto. Unfortunately, the Italian Ministry of Culture did not grant permission to publish the photo of a related work, Carracci’s Madonna of Loreto Although he was born on September 29, 1571, near Milan, Caravaggio’s most productive years, from 1600 to 1606, were spent in Rome, where most of his paintings [...]

“How Do We Proclaim the Gospel Today?”

Here is the text of the address Benedict XVI gave to the Roman Curia,  on December 22, 2011, in the Sala Clementina in the Apostolic Palace. The Pope reflected on the year just past, and on the crisis that faces the faith in our world. And offers some counsels... By POPE BENEDICT XVI Dear Cardinals, Brother [...]

The Crisis of the Faith—Roman Curia Christmas Message

  Pope Benedict XVI seated in the Sala Clementina in the Apostolic Palace on December 22 to deliver his annual Christmas message to the Roman Curia. The Pope said the "faith fatigue" seen in various areas of Church life today contrasts sharply with the faith and joy he witnessed during World Youth Day in Madrid [...]

Top Ten People of 2011: Archbishop Pietro Sambi

Archbishop Pietro Sambi 1938–2012 Pietro Sambi was a diplomat, a man of dialogue, a man of peace, and we would like to honor him among the “Top Ten” of 2011, and mourn his passing. He died on July 27 at the age of 73. All who knew him loved him. When the archbishop died [...]

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