June July 2013

Liberation Theology Interview with Professor Rocco Buttiglione

John Paul II has gone down in history as the pope who disciplined the liberation theologians of Latin America. You played a key role in this event. Could you please tell us more about it? Professor Rocco Buttiglione: We have to start from the very first days of John Paul II’s pontificate. Before going to Poland [...]

Pontifical Swiss Guard on Facebook

Nowadays having a personal or institutional account on Twitter or Facebook has become a kind of fashion. But sometimes it is hard to know whether the profile is authentic or not. A year ago on May 4, on the occasion of the swearing-in of the Pontificial Swiss Guard, the Guard launched its first official Facebook page [...]

Swearing-in Today and in the Past

There is one day a year when Vatican City and the streets around the smallest country in the world become a little Switzerland. You can hear the German Swiss language with its characteristic accent everywhere. The day is May 6, when new recruits of the Pontifical Swiss Guard swear to serve the Pope “faithfully, loyally and [...]

Pius XII: A New Biography Based on Historical Research

At his death on October 9, 1958, Pope Pius XII enjoyed worldwide acclaim. Tributes to the deceased pontiff for his efforts to save Jews during Hitler’s Holocaust poured in from all sides. The New York Times took three days to print the tributes from New York City rabbis alone. The triumphal chariot got off to a [...]

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