Karol Wojtyla

Letter #46, 2015: A Japanese Doctor in a Helicopter…

October 21, 2015, Wednesday — A Japanese Doctor in a Helicopter... It seems like the beginning of a bad joke. And, in fact, it is. A very bad joke, in fact... All of Rome this morning was in an uproar about the story that a Japanese doctor based in the United States who works in an [...]

How the Canonization Process Works

Pope Pius XII St. Pius X (Pope from 1903 to 1914) was the last Pope to be canonized. Now, after almost six decades, causes for the last five Popes, with the exception of Benedict XVI, have been initiated. Don’t you think that’s too many? And why almost all at the same time? Don Nicola [...]

From Germany to Lebanon: Benedict XVI’s In-Flight Teachings

By what looks like a providential coincidence, Sull’aereo di Papa Benedetto (Flying with Pope Benedict XVI), a book collecting the German Pope’s conversations with journalists during his 24 international apostolic journeys, was published at the end of his pontificate, during the vacancy of the Holy See in March. From Benedict XVI’s first journey to his homeland [...]