
Letter #53, 2016: Rome to Russia

August 29, 2016, Monday -- Rome-Moscow Exchange Intensifies "May the Holy Mother of God, our common heavenly Mother, keep all of us and cover us from all evil.'" —Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev, head of the Department of External Relations of the Russian Orthodox Patriarchate of Moscow, speaking to a dozen visitors from Rome, his guests for two [...]

Letter #39, 2016: Orthodox Good Friday

April 29, 2016, Friday -- Toward the Orthodox Easter In the Orthodox Church, Today Is Good Friday, and Sunday Will Be Easter Sunday In the West, we sometimes forget that the Orthodox world still celebrates Holy Week according to the old calendar. And, according to the old calendar, today is Good Friday, and Easter will fall [...]

Letter #23, 2016: Croatia: A Prime Minister's Visit

April 7, 2016, Thursday -- The Problem, and the Opportunity, of the Stepinac Case Croatian Prime Minister Meets Pope Francis Croatia's new Prime Minister, Tihomir Oreskovic (photo) is in Rome today to meet with Pope Francis. The meeting took place this morning. (link) Reports prior to the meeting said that among the subjects of his talks [...]

Time for “mutual benevolent attention”?

A view of St. Basil's Cathedral in Red Square in Moscow. Pope Francis and Patriarch Kirill are said to be planning a meeting   By Peter Anderson At its last meeting on October 22, the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church elected several individuals as bishops. One of these, Archimandrite Anthony (Sevruk), is rector [...]